
8:30 AM | Worship Service 1

10:00 AM | Bible Classes for All Ages

11:00 AM | Worship Service 2

Children’s Church Available For Both Services


7:00 PM | Bible Classes for All Ages


At North Tampa we believe we are on a journey of following Jesus Christ. We invite you to join with us on Sunday morning. Here is what you can expect from our Sunday morning gatherings.

  • We have reserved spaces at the front for you, our honored guests. If the reserved spaces are full, park anywhere.

  • There’s no dress code, and no reserved seats. We want everyone to feel comfortable and welcomed.

  • On Sundays we have classes for children from birth to 5th grade. During worship, there is a fully staffed nursery for children ages 0-2 years old. We also offer children’s church for children 3 years old through 5th grade. A security check-in service is utilized to insure the safety of all students.


Our worship is simple and designed to focus on glorifying God and commemorating the sacrifice of Jesus. Every Sunday worship isn’t exactly the same, but there are some elements that we include every week. We offer two services every Sunday at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM.

  • Our music is "a cappella." We sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments. We hope you find this type of praise to be uplifting. We hope you will join in praising and worshipping God with us as we lift our voices in singing songs, hymns, and praises to the Lord.

  • We share family announcements and news. This helps us keep current on what God is doing among us and keeps us connected to one another and our community.

  • We believe in the power of prayer and the power of reading God’s Word aloud. Every Sunday, you can expect to hear prayers of praise and thanksgiving, prayers of confession and intercession.

  • Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is remembered and celebrated every Sunday at North Tampa Church of Christ. The greatest event in history is the three days when Jesus died, was buried, and then was resurrected for our sins. We follow the Biblical pattern and every Sunday Christians are invited to share in communion. We cherish what God did through Jesus, and we never want to forget. So you can expect a time during worship when we will call back to our minds this pivotal part of our salvation. During this time you use the small peel off packet with bread (representing the body of Christ) and grape juice (representing the blood of Christ shed on the cross) that you were provided as you entered the worship center. Please join us in remembering our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and what He did for us out of His great love and mercy.

  • God blesses our lives in many ways and we give back as we have been prospered. Our guests are never expected to give… unless they feel the worship has been a blessing and feel called to give back to God.

    Give Now

  • We believe that God’s Word transforms lives. During each Sunday worship there is a time of teaching with Bible based, spirit led sermons.

  • We believe that baptism is a joyous occasion. Baptisms will be by complete immersion in water to receive the forgiveness of sins and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. (Acts 2:38, Titus 3:3-7) After the Baptism there may be applause, words of praise and singing. This is a spontaneous celebration of joy at the birth of a new Christian.

  • We think of ourselves as a family. We have a special time between Bible class and worship to visit, share, and connect with one another. We cannot wait to meet you and welcome you to our family.


On Wednesday evenings we offer a time of fellowship and Bible study for elementary school, middle school, high school, and adults. At 7:00pm we enter into a time of Bible study and challenge one another in our faith. We finish our studies at 8:00pm. On the last Wednesday night of each month we gather in the worship center for a time of learning new songs and lifting praises and hymns to the Lord.